Alisher Narzullaev «the National master of Uzbekistan», The academician of Academy of arts of Uzbekistan
But, where Alisher would not work, he always pulled to potter's craft. He spent all free time at the potter's machine tool and, eventually, was engaged in this craft seriously and professionally, having achieved magnificent results. Usto Alisher Narzullaev - the owner of the Certificate «Halkaro lips» (the Master of the international scale). The General director of UNESCO Federiko the Major handed over it personally. He also the winner of professional competitions "Ofarin" and «Tashabbus - 98», is awarded by "the Gold medal» and the Prize of the President of Republic Uzbekistan - a motor vehicle "Tiko". In 2002 the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan to Alisher Narzullaev appropriates an honorary title of "Uzbekiston Halk Ustasi" («the National master of Uzbekistan»), and in 2003 became the academician of Academy of arts of Uzbekistan (АХУз). For many years he is a member of Republican association "Ustozoda" and Creative association of artists of Uzbekistan at Ahuz. Works of art created by Usto Alisher Narzullaevym possess the richest readiness of patterns, a subtlety and grace of their execution. He is especially live and are convincingly treated tsvetochno-vegetative motives. In its works the great skill of a writing of a decor and art expressiveness is felt. Usto Alisher Narzullaev the participant over hundred exhibitions and opening days in Uzbekistan abroad, including the World Exhibition-fair «the Expo - 2000». A.Narzullaeva's works were shown in Komatsu and Tokyo, New York and Washington, Hanover, Bonn and Berlin, Paris and other glorified cities of the world, at its direct participation. Usto Alisher Narzullaev in 1999 under the offer of the Japanese Fund of development and under the recommendation of the Ambassador of Japan in Uzbekistan mister Koichi Obata has visited the rising sun Country where within six months studied culture of the people of this state and propagandised the Uzbek culture. To it Asakura Isokichi Sandajme has had the luck to work in a workshop of one of the most well-known Japanese masters of ceramics, the president of Association ceramists of Japan. In 2002 Usto Alisher Narzullaev has visited Germany where also studied experience of German masters and transferred the. The moments when at exhibitions of the works, in the face of numerous public behind potter's machine tools became known ceramists including Usto Alisher and showed all the highly professional skill were the most remembered episodes of such creative trips on an exchange of professional experience. They made pottery, receiving in the award of an ovation of spectators. Usto Alisher Narzullaev's works are stored in a museum of Arts and crafts and the State museum of History, in the Museum of World Bank and the Museum of cultures of the people of the East, in a museum of embassy of Japan in Uzbekistan, and also in museums and private collections of Germany, Japan, the USA, Switzerland, and other countries. At a dynasty of Narzullaevyh, as well as all folk art of Uzbekistan, the big prospects for progress. Centuries brought up national taste, the richest traditions of decorative art, talented people - old, skilled masters, young, already successfully working, and absolutely young, thirsting learns and to seize skill, - it tells all about objectively favorable conditions for the further successful development. Alisher Narzullaev has three son and the daughter, and all well own art of potter's manufacture. After long meditations and fluctuations the elder son, Sherzodzhon stands up for today the potter's machine tool near to the father. Olimjon finishes economic and diplomacy University, and all free time, being the student, spends in a miniworkshop in Tashkent. Obidjon was engaged in craft of the potter seriously and professionally. It the graduate of National institute of arts and design of Kamoliddin Behzod. He intricate and original works have the big success. According to teachers and masters - professionals, it is the presented and talented pupil, safely going the, nobody the blazed road. Shozoda - the student of National institute of arts and design after Kamoliddin Behzod where specialises by a trade of the critic. She also the graduate of a boarding school for exceptional children on specialities of the schedule and drawing. Her pictures are original, full of imagination and children's thoughtfulness. Attentively considering pottery of ancestors and comparing their modern ceramics which directly continue traditions of previous centuries, give the grounds to assert that the ceramics of new time continues and develops old local traditions and traditions of a dynasty of Narzullaevyh. It is necessary to notice that in a short historical sketch it is difficult to tell about all and about all. For this purpose it is necessary to write volumes. Because family of Narzullaevs is an original and talented cell of our society having many children, the continuer, centuries-old creative traditions big and already a world famous dynasty. All daughters Usto Ibodullo Narzullaeva, - Zebiniso, Mehriniso, Mahbubi, Matluba, Mavluda, Manzura, Nazira, Nodira, Dilfuza and brides of a family Dilorom Narzullaeva and Gubahor Narzullaeva led by mother, - Jack of all trades, versatily developed, surprisingly patient and kind Mustabshira Th Barakaevoj, are engaged in one of the most ancient kinds is national-applied art - (embroidery). At them it turns out very skilfully and professionally. Their works were repeatedly shown at exhibitions abroad, are in great demand at judges of art. The family of Narzullaevs is a school of labour skills not only for adults, but, first of all, for rising generation. Mother and the father - the first instructors. In a family of Narzullaevs the vital saying is very popular: «If you are able nothing, you have nothing». The two-centuries history of a family of Narzullaevyh testifies that the folk art, being original basis of any professional skill, not only has widely remained, but also receives huge possibilities for the prosperity in native Uzbekistan.
Dynasty of masters-keramists of (From a two hundred year's history).